Customer feedback
My husband and I had 1 long-held dream for our home - to modernise our small but cherished kitchen. I must mention here that we had a number of specific wishes for the dream kitchen. They say that you have to work for your dreams, and so we started looking for a company that could turn our high aspirations into a reality, or in other words, a complete solution.
And we found Makro Ehituse. From our first correspondence with them, we felt that they really cared and wanted to help us with their knowledge and experience to make our dream come true. And that's how our cooperation started - everything was fast and convenient from the first moment, all our wishes were taken into account.
Already during the work process we felt that we wanted to share our gratitude to them and to all the staff for the work they had done - all the agreed times for coming in, etc. were always very well planned and smooth; we were kept informed about the work process. Our pet Tessa also thanks all the workers who gave her a pâté from the fridge at the end of the construction day!
We know that modernising our kitchen was a challenge, especially in terms of combining our small space with what we wanted, but MakroEhitus did a great job. To date, our new kitchen has been in practical use for a month and a half and we are very happy with it.
We are very happy that our new KÖÖK is ready... A pipe dream became reality.
Thanks to Makro Construction and the whole TEIE TIME!!!!! !!!!
Yours sincerely
Reelika and Tarmo and Tessa
Oleme teinud Makro Ehitusega koostööd mitmel objektil. Hindan kõrgelt, et nad tõesti kuulavad, mõtlevad vajadusel kaasa, teevad oma tööd kvaliteetselt ja peavad ka tähtaegadest kinni.
As a client, if I want to do something a bit more complicated, they don't immediately say it's not possible, but are willing to spend time to find the best solutions together.
Tõesti väärt tegijad! Soovitan neid julgelt teistelegi.
Firma Makro Ehitus OÜ sai valitud oma tööde ja 11+ aasta tegevuse poolest . Suhtlemine oli asjalik ja kiire. Kohapeal olles pakuti ja soovitati erinevaid lahendusi. Igati asjalik firma ja viisakad asjalikud töömehed.
My small family and I can recommend this nice company, they found a solution to every problem. The work was never delayed, the work was done as promised. The work was quick and very tidy. Many thanks from all of us for the pleasant cooperation Kristo, Karmo and the builder. Super team !!!!!!!
Makro Ehitus OÜ renoveeris nii meie esimese kodu (korter Mustamäel) kui ka praeguse kodu (maja Nõmmel). Tegemist on usaldusväärse ja vastutuleliku koostööpartneriga, kes ei karda väljakutseid. Suhtlus Kristo ja Karmoga on alati olnud meeldiv ja tulemuslik.
Most of all, I appreciate their ability and willingness to think ahead and come up with different solutions according to the client's wishes and possibilities. Tänu suurele kogemustepagasile oskavad nad jagada soovitusi, mille peale klient ise ei pruugi tulla. Seetõttu tundsin algusest peale, et meie kodu renoveerimine on heades kätes. Lisaks tahan kiita töömehi, kes paistsid alati silma erakordse töökuse, hoolikuse, puhtuse ja viisakusega.
Kogu Makro Ehituse meeskond on hingega oma töö juures - seda on näha juba esialgsest hinnapakkumisest, mis on põhjalik ja konkreetne, aga ka loomulikult lõpptulemusest. Tänu nende tööle on meil kaunis kodu ning selle eest jään alati tänulikuks!
We are very happy with the renovation of our bathroom by Makro Ehitus. The whole team was very attentive to detail from the beginning to the end of the project, respectful of our wishes and gave valuable advice that greatly improved the final result.
All the work is of excellent quality. We are happy to entrust Makro Ehitus with all our future renovation and construction work.
Antonina and Jonas
Makro Ehitus OÜ
I would like to thank you for your excellent cooperation! The communication was easy, fast and professional. We received good advice during the works and the process went smoothly. Throughout the whole project you were always thinking along with us, it felt as if you were renovating our own home, which gave us a sense of security. The tradesmen were all very nice people and the quality of the work they did was second to none. All agreements were kept and the work was completed even earlier than expected. The result is wonderful!
Without any doubt, I will continue to work with you.
Makro Ehitus carried out the renovation of a 40 year old apartment for us. From tearing out and demolishing everything old to installing a new wall clock in the hallway.
Already at the first meeting on the site with Kristo Allvee, the representative of Makro Ehitus, an atmosphere of trust and cooperation was established.
Karmo Allvee, the project manager, was extremely easy to communicate with and his good advice on the renovation was more than worth its weight in gold. Absolutely all solutions and suggestions were agreed with the client before the work started. Karmo was always present at the agreed time and prepared to show the work in progress.
I give all the craftsmen/foremen a 10+. Neat, clean and friendly.
Makro Ehitus is a reliable and high quality construction company.
Thank you for our new home! Best wishes Carmen, Keijo and Christjan.